Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sulap Kartu Sederhana

1. Find a selection of cards to be shaken in 1 deck.

1. Victim to take a card at random from the deck, and view it without us.

2. When victims do no # 1, you hold the card with the left and right hands. Then you colong vision card to the bottom of the deck you right hand. 2 In this example a shovel.

3. After viewing the victim card, he was ordered to put it on the deck you left hand. Mix the deck and hold the right hand above you.

4. Shake. But you just try to shake the card. Because this trick quite a risk when the victim who has to shuffle. Do this several times aja. But do not try to stir in detail, because the fear card before you see the same card separated umpannya.

5. When done stir card, you began to dispose of one-one card from the top of the card. Do this continuously until the card you see colong out earlier, the shovel 2.

6. After 2 shovel it out, the next card is a card he was.

2. Find a card with a choice of one drop of the air deck.

1. Fan card with the victim to open. Insert the card back to the middle of the front so that's not visible. This card is used as a hack.

2. Ordered to sacrifice one point that he would like the card. After her demonstration, calculated from the card to the card right up to the point he is.

3. After passing through the card, lift the card a little while once again ask for a certainty that the victim's card that he requested. And the square deck. Do not be shaken.

4. You start with a quick re-select the card that he was before the start of the top of the card, removed the closed to the table. After reaching in to the card he selected. Hold the card, and without the open, to enter the middle of the deck in front of the victim. And the square deck.

5. Triknya located here. While you square deck, place your left hand thumb on the top of the card. Then slide a little to the right, while you raise your hands to the deck of the air. Slide up to a maximum of 1 / 2 card. Then drop the right hand with the cards from the top.

6. Akan bait card should appear in the top of the inverted stack the deck be of the air line. Because of air friction, the card will be reversed so that mendaratnya in the open. Necessary exercise repeatedly to get a feel fit when akan drop deck card.

3. As a four-card moved from top to bottom.

1. Prepare the card 4 As.

2. Then arrange such that there is one insert card that is not visible on the back of the victim as is the order of 4. Show to the victim, not too long.

3. And the square becomes one deck. Card insertion should be located before the top.

4. 4 Remove the card back in while ngomong As "One, two, three, four ...". This is necessary to increase the attention that the victim card that we dispose of this is to 4 as before.

5. Then start from the card 1 is no, take that card, and enter to stack the deck down. Diketuk hold while the deck once, open the top of the card, while the "tuh, Asnya move from bottom to top ...". Then dispose of the card as that.

6. Then the next card no 2, take the card, then put the deck on the top of the stack. Percussion, the card continues to remove the stack from the bottom deck. While ngomong again "Well, now he's moving up to down.".

7. Card no 3 as well. Take the card, enter the stack to the bottom deck. Percussion, and hold open the top of the card.

8. The last card you take, you continue to put in the middle of the stack deck. Percussion deck and hold it, hold the card out of the bottom deck stack. "Now card from the midst of the stack to move to the bottom.".

9. Card Asnya already appear all right now.

Trik Gratis Sulap

Trik Sulap 11 Kartu How to play:

First: Hold 11 cards ask ago ago mengocoknya audience back to you. Request a spectator choose 1 card (do not show to you). Then ask for the audience put the card in order to-2 (from above).

Second: Place the cards one by one on the table and spelled the name of spectators (maximum of 11 letter name, if too long, just a nickname only). If there is still remaining cards in your left hand, put everything on the stack earlier.

Third: Now turn your spell my name Hendry FJ cards while placing items on the table (8 cards are placed on the table). The remaining cards in your left hand on the ditumpukkan card before 8.

Fourth: Then place the cards one by one on the table and say to the audience, the STOP anywhere you want. After the spectator says STOP, the rest of the cards stacked on top of the card again just now.

Fifth: Take a stack the earlier, place the card behind your back. Take the card to-2 from the bottom, and show the card to the audience. That certainly card!

Akan perform at the fourth step, the position of spectators in the card sequence number 2 from the top. So when making this the fourth step, preferably after you put 2 cards on the table, then you say "STOP is anywhere you want." But even if the audience protested, 1 want to put the cards on the table, no problem. Means that the card a spectator at the top. You must remember that it's time to step akan fourth, spectators have the card in order to-2 from the top (this is key).
At the climax (when the audience will be issued a card) should be done behind the back so that this secret is not easy to juggle disclosed. You can do different variations of the card issued at the option of spectators line.

This game can be played on anyone (although the name of each person is different and the number of letters if they can STOP at any time). The results remain the same.

Why use 11 cards? Why is the card must be placed in the audience to order-2? Number 11 is my date of birth, number 2, I-2 to children of 4 brothers.

When akan magic, remember the code of ethics pesulap.

Trik sulap Magic Trick Card

Temukan Kartu Dalam Satu Deck Kartu Yang Sudah Dikocok

Okay, I will disassemble magic tricks in this brief, this is the first trick tricks molai time I learn to play magic. because it is very easy and can be confusing dipelajarai other people then this trick so I pledge that time.

Oke aja molai we dismantle this trick. First we should provide is a set of cards. And we must find a person invited to play. What my friend has not been advanced search you are first. In this game we need to get our hands in this magical play. Okay go.

1. First we look past the person who will be playing with us (I will call him the victim, because he is the victim lie to you).

2. Shake card first, do not forget we see the bottom card. My example is card heart 10.

3. Persilahkan victim to take the card, be ordered to take a random card from the stack, and view it without menunjukkannya to us.

4. When victims do no 3, the card you hold with the left and right hands. Then you colong vision card to the bottom of the hill you right hand. My heart contohkan 10.

5. After viewing the victim card, he was ordered to put it on the deck you left hand. Mix the deck and hold the right hand above you.

6. Shake. But you just try to shake the card. Because this trick quite a risk when the victim who has to shuffle. Do this several times aja. But do not try to stir in detail, because the fear card before you see the same card separated umpannya.

7. When done stir card, you began to dispose of one-one card from the top of the card. Do this continuously until the card you see colong out earlier, the 10 hearts.

8. After 10 out of the heart, the next card is a card he was.

Temukan Kartu Dalam Satu Deck Kartu Yang Sudah Dikocok

Okay, I will disassemble magic tricks in this brief, this is the first trick tricks molai time I learn to play magic. because it is very easy and can be confusing dipelajarai other people then this trick so I pledge that time.

Oke aja molai we dismantle this trick. First we should provide is a set of cards. And we must find a person invited to play. What my friend has not been advanced search you are first. In this game we need to get our hands in this magical play. Okay go.

1. First we look past the person who will be playing with us (I will call him the victim, because he is the victim lie to you).

2. Shake card first, do not forget we see the bottom card. My example is card heart 10.

3. Persilahkan victim to take the card, be ordered to take a random card from the stack, and view it without menunjukkannya to us.

4. When victims do no 3, the card you hold with the left and right hands. Then you colong vision card to the bottom of the hill you right hand. My heart contohkan 10.

5. After viewing the victim card, he was ordered to put it on the deck you left hand. Mix the deck and hold the right hand above you.

6. Shake. But you just try to shake the card. Because this trick quite a risk when the victim who has to shuffle. Do this several times aja. But do not try to stir in detail, because the fear card before you see the same card separated umpannya.

7. When done stir card, you began to dispose of one-one card from the top of the card. Do this continuously until the card you see colong out earlier, the 10 hearts.

8. After 10 out of the heart, the next card is a card he was.

Trik Uang Muncul Dari Tangan

This magic trick with a more well MONEY Money Machine or Machine. Pesulap be a senior this trick often played. What I myself prefer to call this a Changing Air so more money because serem. Or moneymaking With Empty Hands. Oke langsung aja.

How to Play Tricks magic this:

Pesulap showed that his hands are empty and blank does not hold anything. To membuktikanya sleeve shirt pesulap interesting alternately.

After that pesulap unify both tanganya movement and read something to the effect that more impressive. Suddenly just 20 thousands of paper money springs from tanganya have about 6 pieces.

The secret magic trick is:

When this game, use long-sleeve shirt jacket I can. Prepare some pieces of money that you already letakan roll and behind the elbow. I have now lived in the agility distract attention.
At the time you show your left hand is empty, you take the right hand roll the money already provided on the back of the back left hand is square. Then you unify both the hands for you memberikesan you are preparing. And do a bit of movement in order to give a striking effect, but not excessive. Munculkanlah money with techniques that you can while polishing scrub-permeable second hand or the other.
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