Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Trik Uang Muncul Dari Tangan

This magic trick with a more well MONEY Money Machine or Machine. Pesulap be a senior this trick often played. What I myself prefer to call this a Changing Air so more money because serem. Or moneymaking With Empty Hands. Oke langsung aja.

How to Play Tricks magic this:

Pesulap showed that his hands are empty and blank does not hold anything. To membuktikanya sleeve shirt pesulap interesting alternately.

After that pesulap unify both tanganya movement and read something to the effect that more impressive. Suddenly just 20 thousands of paper money springs from tanganya have about 6 pieces.

The secret magic trick is:

When this game, use long-sleeve shirt jacket I can. Prepare some pieces of money that you already letakan roll and behind the elbow. I have now lived in the agility distract attention.
At the time you show your left hand is empty, you take the right hand roll the money already provided on the back of the back left hand is square. Then you unify both the hands for you memberikesan you are preparing. And do a bit of movement in order to give a striking effect, but not excessive. Munculkanlah money with techniques that you can while polishing scrub-permeable second hand or the other.

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